I wake up terrified, humiliated, and chained to a wall. The shackles around my wrists mean only one thing. He owns me now. With his dark glares and barked orders, he is dangerous. He is my tormentor, my captor, a threat to my very existence. Not to be toyed...
I wake up terrified, humiliated, and chained to a wall. The shackles around my wrists mean only one thing. He owns me now. With his dark glares and barked orders, he is dangerous. He is my tormentor, my captor, a threat to my very existence. Not to be toyed...
Je me r veille terrifi e, humili e et encha n e un mur. Les entraves autour de mes poignets ne signifient qu'une chose. Je lui appartiens maintenant. Avec ses regards noirs et ses ordres donn s en criant, il est dangereux. C'est...
Je me r veille terrifi e, humili e et encha n e un mur. Les entraves autour de mes poignets ne signifient qu'une chose. Je lui appartiens maintenant. Avec ses regards noirs et ses ordres donn s en criant, il est dangereux. C'est...