Constance: A Tale is a novel written by James Abbott and published in 1877. The story is set in the 19th century and follows the life of Constance, a young woman who is orphaned at a young age and raised by her wealthy aunt and uncle. Constance is intelligent, kind-hearted, and...
Constance: A Tale is a novel written by James Abbott and first published in 1877. The story is set in the mid-19th century and follows the life of a young woman named Constance, who is the daughter of a wealthy family living in England. Constance is a kind-hearted and intelligent...
Constance: A Tale is a novel written by James Abbott in 1877. The book tells the story of Constance, a young woman who is forced to leave her home and family to live with her aunt in London. Constance is a strong and independent woman who is determined to make a life for herself...