Are you part of the 89% suffering from this world epidemic?
Are you constantly stressed by overwhelming demands? Does it feel like you can't relax or get rid of stress? Is it the beginning of the week and you are already longing for the weekend? Does stress cause you to react with unhealthy behaviors that make things even worse?
If so, you're not alone.
According to the Global Organization for Stress, "75% of Americans experienced moderate to high-stress levels in the past month." And even worse 89% of people complain about stress that causes serious damage to the physical and mental health.
The secret to relief lies in finding effective coping techniques. But most of us never learned how to deal with stress the right way. What people often call relaxing doesn't reduce stress in any meaningful way.
The good news is that inducing your relaxation response isn't hard to learn and doesn't take long to do. And within less than a month you can finally feel balanced and happy again.
Here's a select sample of what you'll discover in Conquering Stress and Anxiety:
Plus, as a bonus you'll also receive Mastering Confrontation
Families Spend 50 Minutes Per Day Arguing, Do You Want to Be Wasting Your Life in Conflict?
The right tools can help you turn fights into positive learning experiences and even opportunities for growth
A new study reveals shocking statistics - we spend an average of 49 minutes per day fighting with family members In addition, 2.8 hours of work time per week is also dedicated to conflicts.
Society tends to have a pretty negative view on confrontation, which is why most of us will never learn how to disagree in a meaningful way and how to actually start perceiving conflict as a learning opportunity.
In Mastering Confrontation, you'll discover:
And much more.
Most of us are non-confrontational by nature. This is why we tend to blow the fear of conflict out of proportion.
Whether you're fighting with your significant other over work-life balance or you're being approached by an angry coworker who thinks you took all the credit for a joint project, fear could paralyze you and make you act in an irrational way.
You need a shift in mindset to start seeing conflict as a healthy opportunity to grow.
Stop accepting stress as inevitable. Start seeing quick relief from your symptoms. Master uncomfortable situations, improve your communication and learn the ins and outs of conflict resolution. Scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button.