Imagine how powerful it would feel if you have the confidence to know that things would work out... no matter what it is...
The media portrays many different stories. Anything that would catch your attention, they would post it. And most of the times, the news are frightening. Confidence is a virtue that is not based on the audacity of your goals. Confidence in an inner strength that stays with you regardless of what you're working for.
What if...
Your self-doubts are not real? Wait. They aren't. Here's the fact. Your self-doubts are only as real as it is to the extent of your beliefs about them. True or true?
Confidence Building is not about the magic bullet that would change everything... even though it might. It is not the overnight solution that would solve all problems... even though it might. It is a system of rewiring your inner blueprint to be unshakeable despite the negative self-talk.
"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" - Maya Angelou
You can have, be, do and get what you want in life if you have the courage to seek for it. Everybody has the same 24 hours. The 1% invest it to learn and the 99% spend it on dumb things. Success roots from being courageous and courage comes from being self-confident.
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Charlie Munger, the vice president of Berkshire Hathaway, wisely said: "To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want". What's your deserving factor? How much of your time are you reading and putting in the work to deserve what you want?
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