Inconceivable, not pronounced with a lithp "in-con-theeve-able" as in The Princess Bride (nor does it have to do with the immaculate conception), but a story of a man who dared to dream an impossible dream and experience a power beyond his own to see that dream fulfilled. A poignant story of one man's determination, struggles, and triumphs in following God's vision and purpose for his life. It's one of courage in uprooting his family and moving to the Land Down Under. There was a guarantee of financial support and commitment for two years. At the end of the second year, the vision was beginning to flourish with astonishing growth, at which time David and his wife, Marianna, said, "We can't leave now. The baby will die." They agreed to stay just one more year.
Follow the unfolding journey and discover why it took him not just one more year but almost thirty years to leave. David taught generations of students about the richness of the Scriptures, the building of Christian character, stick-to-it-iv-ness, and achieving excellence in life by demanding nothing less than the best from his students. Christian artists need to try harder, be the best they can be, never accept mediocrity or being average, but always work to advance and aspire to excellence. If what we do is to bring delight to the heart of God, who is most excellent, then what we offer Him must also be excellent. Wesley Institute only exists because God gifted David, captivated his heart, and gave him a vision so big it would take the rest of his life to fulfill.