Algorithm books are often quite hard to understand, but this is not the case with this book. The information is very compact so it is a slow read but due to the high quality of the text this is only an advantage. You are never left wondering what the authors might have meant with a certain statement.The book focuses solely on theory, so it presents no real source code (only pseudo-code) which I think is good thing since that...
Compared to other texts on Computational Geometry, like the Preparata / Shamos collection -- this book is simple to read; it's very well written.I cannot understate the clarity of the book; if you try comparing this to other graduate texts on Computational Geometry -- this one blows them away.I think it covers a broad range of topics and covers them well. It is a wealth of algorithms.
I taught a class using that book, and I found it an invaluable help as an instructor in presenting the material. Teaching layered range trees and fractional cascading for instance benefits immensely from the detailed pictures of the book. At times, I find the motivation part somewhat stretched, or limited, but always informative for the student, and giving a concrete, hands-on aspect to the topic. The algorithms are almost...
I also completely disagree with the one-star review below. The "Dutch book" is the clearest, most complete, most up-to-date, best designed, best illustrated computational geometry textbook out there. Some of the material may be a bit advanced for undergraduates (and for those people I would recommend Joe O'Rourke's excellent "Computational Geometry in C"), but for graduate students and other researchers who want to learn...
I completely disagree with the above commentor who evaluates it as a kind of bad book.I can not find any errors in pseudo code, and it's very easy for me to understand and follow. It contains hundreds of figures which help students understand the concepts. The idea is so clear, and followed by good examples. It's also worth reading for all computer scientists and mathematicians who are working on geometry. I highly recommend...