After finishing this book, I was reminded of the following verse in 2 Timothy 2:15 - Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Not everyone is called to preach or to give Bible studies but this book, at the very minimum, allows us to see how much work and thought is involved when a pastor gives a sermon/Bible study. Because...
I never thought I would be so excited about a book on communication, but I am VERY excited about this one. Stanley shares with the reader his philosophy of communication as well as specific and practical steps to becoming a more effective speaker. This approach may not be for everyone, but it is "home" for me. I have used his approach for the last couple of weeks and my audience is much more engaged and I have gotten very...
I feel compelled to warn fellow Christian Communicators. This book may make you angry. It just might inspire you to change the way you communicate the life-change message of hope. I suppose whether you are angered or inspired depends upon what your goal is. Is your goal to teach the Bible to people? Or, is it your goal to see people changed as they apply the life-changing message of the Bible? If you are comfortable with...
A casual reader might glance through this book and think Stanley is suggesting watering down the gospel in an effort to be pragmatic. This is not accurate. This is not a book about Biblical exegesis or scholarship. This style of preaching does not preclude in depth study. Study for sermon preparation simply is not what this book is all about. This is a book about delivery. About half of all younger Christians today attend...
This book teaches us all the things we wish they had taught us in seminary! Once again, Andy shows us how to get more accomplished by doing less. I still don't know how he memorizes it all, but I am now using the me-we-God-you-we approach w/ great feedback.