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Historythis is an up to date book on the latest knowledge on hypnosis and its therapeutic uses. it is authoritative and theories are scientifically based. it has given hypnosis a sound scientific basis.
The book explains in great detail the influence and the effect of mind over body from the perspective of neuro-biology. In simple terms, most healing performed with hypnosis are a result of mind influencing the blood-flow, which then creates corresponding changes in the body. Rossi provides a some amazing case-histories where hypnosis has helped people deal with problems which were unresponsive to regular medical treatment...
This book is technical, but comprehensive and concise in its explaination of what we know about how the "Mind-Body Connection" works. From practical mini-scripts to use clinically to the mathematical formula for hypnosis, this book has it all. A background in neurophysiology is helpful, but those who understand it will truly appreciate the detail.
In a word, excellent. A wonderful explanation of mind-body dynamics and the placebo effect. Some excellent hypnotic and mind-body healing techniques. Dr. Rossi is a true expert in his field. He fully justifies that reputation with this book.