Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote the epistle to the Colossians, refuting all false claims about God. Paul reaffirms to the original audience and the global Church that Christ is preeminent. Paul sharply rebuked every influence that attempted to infiltrate the Church. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Paul would not allow anything to compromise the truth.
The Church at Colossae dealt with Gnosticism, paganism, mysticism, Greek philosophies, and Old Testament practices of the Law fulfilled by Christ. Yet, none of these could withstand the truth of God's Word. In our day, the Church fights against similar spirits, but none can overcome Jesus Christ or stop His kingdom from advancing worldwide (Acts 28:30-31; Hebrews 12:28). The epistle to the Colossians proves that Jesus Christ is the One True God, disproving the false teaching of a triune God. Since Christ is preeminent, and all the fulness of the Godhead dwells in Him, how can there be more than one God?