In early 1790, a young Virginia frontiersman and former medical student travel to the Ohio Country to serve as a scout for the U.S. Army in the Northwest Indian Wars. What he encounters along the way is adventure, exploration, romance, savage warfare, narrow escape from death, and a deep appreciation of the Indian culture and defense of their homeland. He is saved, befriended, and ultimately comes under the tutelage of a strangely out-of-place, but legendary, Indian shaman, who teaches him to believe in his own spiritual inclinations. He is witness and sometimes participant in many of the famous events that shaped United States history on the Ohio frontier. He meets and becomes acquainted with many of the most famous American Indian leaders and army officers.
Kirby Whitacre is a retired educator and athletic administrator. His M.A. includes a minor in history and his areas of expertise are colonial America, ancient Greece, and the Middle East in modern times. His hobbies and interests include family, his dogs, softball, basketball, and the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism. In addition to having been a guest presenter at international, national, regional and state-level professional conferences and workshops, he is the author of numerous journal articles, poems, and newspaper articles. He is also the author of the book,
Buddhism, A Westerner's Compendium.
Key Words and Phrases:
Indian Wars/Northwest Indian War, Ohio Country, Savage warfare. Frontier, Adventure, Romance, Spiritual, Exploration, United States History, Tutelage, Shaman, Forts Washington, Green Ville, Recovery, Wayne, Miamis, Anthony Wayne, Little Turtle, Arthur St. Clair
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