Collisions during the design process yield a positive and powerful energy, crucial to creating a high-performance workplace. To understand this, we must hone our focus to microscopic levels and study the interaction of atoms and molecules. Collisions in quantum space result in the transformation of energy: a theory that has broader systemic and structural implications for everyday life. PDR advances this concept, encouraging collisions with and within the built-in environments they have designed. Successful work environments reflect collisions of culture, geometry, practice, and elements. Acknowledgment of these key components increases the chances of a collision being meaningful and productive. PDR creates elegant solutions to complex client challenges, by incorporating knowledge of the fundamental building blocks of our universe into top-notch practices in interior architecture. This impressive book will resonate with all who are innovative thinkers and seekers of functionally responsive design. Focusing on both tangible and intangible themes, Collisions provides designers and work culture professionals alike with a rich source of inspiration.