Fraternal twins Nels and Suvi move beyond their royal heritage and into military and magical dominion in this flintlock epic fantasy debut from a two-time Campbell Award finalist. Prince Nels is the scholarly runt of the ancient Kainen royal family of Eledore, disregarded as...
Fraternal twins Nels and Suvi move beyond their royal heritage and into military and magical dominion in this flintlock epic fantasy debut from a two-time Campbell Award finalist. Prince Nels is the scholarly runt of the ancient Kainen royal family of Eledore, disregarded as...
In this epic fantasy debut, which NPR Books said, "it reminded me, pleasurably, of Robin Hobb's Assassin Apprentice series," fraternal twins Nels and Suvi move beyond their royal heritage into military and magical dominion. Prince Nels is the scholarly runt of the ancient Kainen...