Cloudesley V3: A Tale is a novel written by William Godwin and published in 1830. The book is divided into three volumes and tells the story of Cloudesley, a young man who is forced to leave his home and travel to London to seek his fortune. Along the way, he encounters a variety...
Cloudesley V3: A Tale is a novel written by William Godwin and published in 1830. It is the third and final installment in the Cloudesley series. The story is set in England in the 18th century and follows the life of the protagonist, Cloudesley, who is a young man of noble birth...
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections
such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact,
or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe...