Cleared for Time Travel follows the story of two sister's living in their dream town of Bluefin Cove, Maine. They enjoy their community involvement, small town gossip, and down east Yankee hospitality until a research vessel locates their father's missing jetliner, which disappeared off of coastal radar in 1971.
As the wreckage is recovered from the seafloor, the United States Government informs Jackie and her sister, Candice, of a deep, dark family secret about their father's work with the government and the airline, Americonic International Airlines.
Jackie's normal everyday life is quickly diverted to a new foreign destination with the help of Agent Taylor, who works for a top-secret organization within the US Government. She must endure the turbulence and accept her challenges in order to save her dad from disappearing in the Atlantic.
Join the sisters as they depart on a journey to discover the untold truth of classified information that has been in a holding pattern since 1971. Fasten your seatbelts, we've been cleared to time travel.