Masterful - Genius Work - 3 Books In One
From W.L. Hunter, M.D.
Because it is generally taught that the Hamitic race has never done anything worthy of note in the world, and because it is also generally taught, even in our schools, that these people never were anybody-for these reasons, given above, the author has written and sent forth this book. The book has been revised and enlarged. It contains much new matter that is not found in the old book. Aside from proving that Jesus Christ had negro blood in his veins, it also shows that David and Solomon both married black women. It is also proven that Solomon's temple was built by a negro, and that a negro was the founder of freemasonry; and that the first righteous priest that is recorded upon earth was a black man. The American religion is reviewed in the light of the Scriptures, and the amount lost to the negro laborer through unjust deal.
From Arthur T. Abernethy -
THIS WORK must not be misinterpreted into an attack upon the Hebrew race. That its undeviating title may presuppose such a condition, the Author feels certain; that the Author intends to reflect the slightest personal or historical discredit upon this peculiar people he emphatically denies. It is the duty of history to chronicle events and incidents connecting with individuals or nationalities which create events - without the slightest suggestion of favor, fear or suspicion. Cicero, the Roman, said: "It is the first and fundamental law of history that it should neither dare to say anything that is false, nor fear to say anything that is true, nor give any just suspicion of favor or disaffection. "What is written here is based on the Author's unprejudiced researches among historians who have both favored and criticised the Jews as a race, and their principal historical characters as individuals.
About Rev. R.A. Morrisey -
Richard A. Morrisey was born near the town of Clinton, N. C., August 20, 1865. He graduated at Livingston College, Salisbury, N. C., as valedictorian of his class in 1892, and in 1904- 1907 attended lectures in Theology at Temple College, Philadelphia, Pa. He entered the ministry at the age of twenty-one (A. M. E. Zion Church); served as pastor of churches in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Pennsylvania, his labors being abundantly blessed. In 1908 he was elected Corresponding Secretary of Missions, a position which he filled for four years. Later he accepted a call to the First Baptist Church, Plymouth, N. C.
Jesus Christ Had Negro Blood in His Veins was written by W.L. Hunter, M.D. and Published in 1904.
The Jew A Negro was written by Arthur T Abernethy and Published in 1910.
Bible History of the Negro was written by Reverend Richard Alburtus Morrisey and Published in 1915.
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