Can't get enough of Class on BBC America? This thrilling companion novel to the new Doctor Who spin-off features the group of extraordinary humans (and aliens) from the show, facing down an wholly original threat. Created by New York Times bestselling novelist Patrick Ness, author...
Can't get enough of Class on BBC America? This thrilling companion novel to the new Doctor Who spin-off features the group of extraordinary humans (and aliens) from the show, facing down an wholly original threat. Created by New York Times bestselling novelist Patrick Ness, author...
Que pasa si no eres el Elegido? El que se supone que tiene que luchar contra zombis, fantasmas devora-almas o lo que resulten ser las luces azules y las muertes misteriosas? El solo quiere pasar el verano con sus amigos y quiza atreverse a pedirle para salir a Henna antes de...