First published in 1836, Th ophile Gautier's 'The Dead Woman in Love' is a supernatural tale, recounting the life of the priest named Romuald who falls in love with the beautiful and enigmatic Clarimonde, who the reader later learns to be a vampire. At the beginning of the tale,...
Full text. A terrifying tale by Th ophile Gautier written in first person. It narrates the story of a young priest, Romuald, who falls in love with a mysterious woman called Clarimonde, a beautiful woman who turns out to be a vampire. He goes through strange experiences...
Follow the classic supernatural tale of forbidden love between a devout priest and a beautiful vampiress in The Dead Woman in Love. At sixty-six years of age, an elderly priest is finally ready to tell the story of his first and only love. Over forty years...
Le vieux Romuald raconte un autre eccl siastique qu'il nomme "fr re" les faits tranges qui ont suivi son ordination. Alors jeune moine d'une cure de campagne, il vit une exp rience troublante: le jour il est homme d' glise, la nuit il est un jeune seigneur de Venise. Cette...
From that night my nature seemed to have become halved -- and there were two men within me, neither of whom knew the other. At one moment I believed myself a priest who dreamed nightly that he was a gentleman -- at another, that I was a gentleman who dreamed...
A classic story of a priest named Romuald who falls in love with Clarimonde, a beautiful woman who turns out to be a vampire.
La Morte Amoureuse est un roman gothique �����crit par Th�����ophile Gautier en 1836. L'histoire se d�����roule en France au XVIIIe si�����cle...
La Morte Amoureuse est un roman gothique �����crit par Th�����ophile Gautier. L'histoire suit le pr������tre romain Romuald qui tombe amoureux d'une myst�����rieuse...
Clarimonde is a supernatural short story written by Th ophile Gautier and first published in 1836. It tells the story of a priest named Romuald who falls in love with Clarimonde, a beautiful woman who turns out to be a vampire. The story opens with an elderly priest, Romuald,...
La Morte Amoureuse est un roman gothique �����crit par Th�����ophile Gautier. L'histoire se d�����roule en France au XVIIIe si�����cle et...
"La Morte amoureuse" de Theophile Gautier. Poete, romancier, peintre et critique d'art francais (1811-1872)."
La Morte amoureuse, nouvelle incontournable de Th?ophile Gautier, a ?t? publi?e pour la premi?re fois en France en 1897. Vous souhaitez lire autrement et profiter d'une exp?rience de lecture originale ? Gr?ce ? notre charte ?ditoriale, nous vous offrons l'opportunit?...
Follow the classic supernatural tale of forbidden love between a devout priest and a beautiful vampiress in The Dead Woman in Love. At sixty-six years of age, an elderly priest is finally ready to tell the story of his first and only love. Over forty years...
It is fascinating story about mad, no-right-no-wrong passion between Romuald, a young priest and the story s narrator, and Clarimonde, a supernaturally beautiful courtesan and vampire. Gautier s imagery and writing are gorgeous and never seedy, despite Clarimonde s prostitution...
"Clarimonde" from Th ophile Gautier. French poet, dramatist, novelist, journalist, and art and literary critic (1811-1872).
Une histoire vampirique au sein de laquelle les nuits d'un jeune pr tre, Romuald, sont hant es par l'esprit de Clairmonde, une jeune femme dont il est tomb perdument amoureux. Qualifi e de "chef d'oeuvre" par Baudelaire, la Morte Amoureuse est aujourd'hui consid r e comme l'un...
La Morte Amoureuse est un roman gothique �����crit par Th�����ophile Gautier en 1836. L'histoire se d�����roule dans la France du 18�����me...