Circus Parade originally published in 1927, presents the sordid but albeit fascinating side of life traveling with a small-time circus life during the 1920s in America. From "The Moss-Haired Girl" to "Whiteface" the clown, Tully paints a vivid picture of...
Circus Parade by Jim Tully is a novel that tells the story of a young man named Billy who joins a traveling circus in the early 20th century. The book explores the colorful and often dangerous world of the circus, as Billy learns the tricks of the trade and becomes a performer...
Circus Parade is a novel written by Jim Tully. The story revolves around the life of a young orphan named Joe who joins a travelling circus to escape his miserable life. Joe's journey with the circus takes him through various towns and cities, where he encounters a number of...
""Circus Parade"" is a novel written by Jim Tully that tells the story of Dan O'Mara, a young man who runs away from home to join a traveling circus. The book follows Dan as he experiences the highs and lows of life on the road with the circus, from the excitement of performing...