A common cold can cause a dry cough in addition to other symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, and a stuffy nose. But if the cough dominates, you may have acute bronchitis. It is usually accompanied by a wet cough. Sputum may be opaque, but its color cannot determine whether it is an infection or a virus; analysis is required. In most cases, acute bronchitis is of a viral nature, which means antibiotics will not help. The average cough disappearance with proper treatment is 18 days.
According to WHO, almost 3 million people cough for a long time every year for unknown reasons and die without a cure. And almost 200 million of those whom the cough did not immediately defeat remain chronically sick people.
If you want to learn more about how to manage chronic cough symptoms, then get a copy of this book now.
About the Author
Nicholas Tyler is a health practitioner who has a passion for quality healthcare delivery. He has worked in the healthcare department for several years with vast experience in healthcare delivery services.
For further inquiries, you can reach me via ogagaoyiborho@gmail.com.