""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale written by Eleanor Roosevelt, the former First Lady of the United States. The story follows a young girl named Alice who is spending Christmas with her grandmother in the countryside. Alice is initially disappointed that she won't...
""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale written by former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt. Set in a small town during the Christmas season, the story follows a young girl named Nora who is struggling to find joy and meaning in the holiday season. As she...
""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt that captures the true spirit of the holiday season. The book follows the story of a young girl named Nora who, after losing her mother, is sent to live with her grandparents in a small town...
""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale by Eleanor Roosevelt that captures the spirit of the holiday season. The story revolves around a young girl named Nora who is struggling to find joy and meaning in her life. One Christmas Eve, she wanders into a church and encounters...
""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale written by former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt. The story follows a young boy named Terry, who lives in a small town and is struggling to find the true meaning of Christmas. Terry is disappointed with the commercialization...
""Christmas: A Story"" is a heartwarming tale written by Eleanor Roosevelt, one of the most prominent and influential women in American history. This book is a large print edition, making it easier for readers with visual impairments to enjoy.The story takes place on Christmas...