Christianity, Working It Out is a detailed investigation into the book of James and includes in-depth, practical, life applications. You will find this to be a useful working guide touching not only the text but also background and practical help to "work out your salvation" (Phil 2:12). This is part of a "Christianity" series on the same premise - to equip the Church toward maturity in Christ. Word by word comentary on the book of James followed by detailed life application studies on how to deal with temptation, trials, how to memorize scripture. Developing a servant heart, Developing genuine love for others. Learn to live by faith. Gaining true wisdom, Learning to be a peacemaker. Renouncing all. Priorities and the use of time. Developing patience. Setting your hope on the second coming of Christ. Bearing the Cross. How to pray in the Spirit. Understanding the Spirit-Filled life. Being filled with the Spirit. The worth of a person in God's eyes. What to do when a fellow Christian sins.