Much has been written about slavery in the Americas. The injustices and misery of the Black Africans will never be forgotten. However, there is little focus on other examples of "Mans inhumanity to Man". Dr. Robert C. Davis, Professor of History at The Ohio State University, has brought another example to light. His documentation and research is vast. He tells how pirates of the Mediterranean and the Barbary Coast captured...
This book illuminates an important dynamic of history. Africans were enslaving Europeans. Europeans were enslaving Africans. Africans were selling the members of competing African tribes to Europeans for enslavement. The constant in all this is greed.
Reading this wonderful book, one cannot help to reflect on the history since then when such slave trade took place, as well as what Europe is facing today. It is important to remember the history and learn the necessary lesson from it, otherwise, we have no way to prevent the history from repeating itself. I also cannot help to wonder: why such history is not told in our schools and in our media? What is the reason that this...
Mass slavery in the popular imagination had always been associated with the capture and subsequent enslavement of Africans. With good reason. The sheer scale of the African slave trade stretched the limits of imagination. Enslaved Africans were ubiquitous from Brazil to the Carribbean to the plantations in the Southern United States. Slavery undergirded economies, dehumanized victims and victimizers alike and generated profits...
Many people are aware of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, but not many are aware of the trans-Mediterranean slave trade, in which Christians and Muslims took each other as slaves. By far, the most successful of these slavers were the Barbary corsairs, who probably succeeded in capturing at least one million Christian Europeans from the sixteenth century to the eighteenth. In this fascinating book, author and historian Robert...