Being chosen by God is the most humbling experience by any human who happens to find out that they are on God's team, the winning team. It is rather puzzling that the Most Holy God would decide to adopt anyone from the human race into His family. Why would a Holy God adopt anyone from sinful humanity into His Holy family? Is God really lonely and needs companionship? Does God choose corrupt humanity or, do depraved humans exercise their freedom of the will and choose a Holy God? These issues have puzzled the human mind from time immemorial and continue to do so It is a mystery that sinful humans will someday inhabit God's Holy heaven. How will it all happen? This book seeks to unravel this mystery and points you to a purposeful life on earth and a never ending life in paradise. Fasten your seatbelt, your flight may be bumpy, God is the pilot and has never crashed a plane. Enjoy life to the fullest.