Chloe Malone (1916) is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea. The book is set in the early 1900s and tells the story of Chloe Malone, a young woman who is struggling to make a life for herself in a world that is changing rapidly. Chloe is a strong and independent woman who is...
Chloe Malone is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea and originally published in 1916. The story follows the life of Chloe Malone, a young woman living in a small town in the early 20th century. Chloe is a strong-willed and independent woman, but she struggles to find her place...
Chloe Malone is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea and originally published in 1916. The story follows the titular character, Chloe, a young woman who is forced to leave her comfortable life in the city and move to a small town in the country. There, she struggles to adapt...