In classical Chinese medicine, the ear is considered an extraordinarily powerful nexus of energy through which the entire body can be treated. Unlike numerous texts that apply Western approaches to Eastern medicine, Chinese Auricular Acupuncture explains ear acupuncture within the framework of traditional Oriental energetics consistent with the use of the medicine. Written by an esteemed practitioner and teacher of auricular acupuncture, this modern, user-friendly guide provides students and practitioners with a concise manual on ear acupuncture. High-quality photos illustrate common ear pathology and include instruction on diagnosis. The text features Chinese clinical energetics of ear acupoints interfaced with the most common diagnostic paradigms. It also contains a detailed discussion of how to construct prescriptions tailored to the patient rather than the disease process. This unique book simplifies the art of auricular acupuncture by relying solely on the traditional Chinese ear map rather than a set of complex charts and systems. This approach explains the practical utilization of auricular therapy in a manner that is memorable, clinically useful, and based on the underpinnings of an education in traditional Chinese medicine.
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