HE STARTED WITH HIS WIFE...'Michelle was extremely loyal, ' said her close friend, Debbie Knight, 'she was giving, she was caring, she was dedicated. An amazing woman.'Lisa Emmons concurred. 'Michelle was fun so smart and organized, 'It had been a long time since her many friends had seen the successful executive, or even heard from her. In Michelle's case, a long time being more than a couple of days. That was unusual, in fact so strange that these friends began to worry. In the end, tensions rose, and Debbie decided that she had to visit. The increasingly alarmed messages that she had left on Michelle's answer phone had not been answered, and the probability that something bad had happened to her friend could be ignored no longer. Even so, none of these concerned women could have had the slightest idea of the extremes of violence they would discover all done by the hands of the unassuming Charlie Brandt. This story and more are featured in this anthology of True Crime.
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