This is the first book to bring together into a coherent whole the fragments of the life and thought of Charles A. Beard, a historian who took active steps to thwart biography by burning his private correspondence.
Nore has written about Beard's early life in Indiana, including his family traditions and his formal education. She tells of his experiences in England and at Columbia University as both student and teacher. She delineates his progressivism and his economic approach to constitutions, parties, and politics. She chronicles his response to war and traces his journeys to the Orient.
Other chapters include "History, Civilization, and Abundance"; "An Intellectual Dairy Farmer's Public Life"; "The Great Depression: Modern Analysis and Victorian Politics"; "Science, Relativity, and Faith"; "Battle for Nonintervention, 1935-1941"; "The Old Isolationist"; and "Lessons of Pearl Harbor."
In tracing the intellectual development of this charismatic man of Quaker heritage, this man who knew almost from the beginning that authorities outside the individual conscience must be carefully scrutinized, Nore sheds light on the intellectual history of the 20th century. Hers is the authoritative biography of the man who continued "to remind Americans that the achievement of economic and social, as well as political democracy would depend on the quality and quantity of individual critical citizenships."