To figure out William Steig's word puzzles you need merely read the letters, numbers, and symbols aloud. If at first the messages aren't clear, there are clever pictures accompanying each one to give you hints. Some are easy, some are hard, but all are a hilarious treat when...
Steig's classic word game - now available in color C D C ? = See the sea? E-R I M ! = Here I am! U F B-D I-S = You have beady eyes. To figure out William Steig's word puzzles, you need merely read the letters, numbers, and symbols aloud. If at first the messages are unclear,...
C D C ? = See the sea? E-R I M ! = Here I am! U F B-D I-S = You have beady eyes. To figure out William Steig's word puzzles, you need merely read the letters, numbers, and symbols aloud. If at first the messages are unclear, there's a clever picture accompanying each to give...