Poisoner, despot, necromancer -- the dark legend of Catherine de Medici is centuries old. In this critically hailed biography, Leonie Frieda reclaims the story of this unjustly maligned queen to reveal a skilled ruler battling extraordinary political and personal odds -- from...
The inspiration for the STARZ original series, The Serpent Queen -- second season premiering July 12th! "A beautifully written portrait of a ruthless, subtle and fearless woman fighting for survival and power in a world of gangsterish...
The inspiration for the STARZ original series, The Serpent Queen, streaming now "A beautifully written portrait of a ruthless, subtle and fearless woman fighting for survival and power in a world of gangsterish brutality, routine assassination...
Poisoner, despot, necromancer--the dark legend of Catherine de Medici is centuries old. In this critically hailed biography, Leonie Frieda reclaims the story of this unjustly maligned queen to reveal a skilled ruler battling extraordinary political and personal odds-- from...