Get ready to be mantle with power for the end times. The succession of mantles was broken and buried through religion, defiance, and rebellion, but now God is raising up many to pick up the mantles and carry on the work. Catching the mantle is for the continuation of work started by a trainer-leader or mentor or predecessor. God is moving again, and we are part of that movement. This book has been in the making for more than ten years. I have a piece to contribute to this movement and in this generation, and so do you. It is time to ascend, for there is a mantle you must catch. There are mantles sleeping, waiting for someone to get in position, from saints who have gone to glory, like the Reinhard Bonnke, Smith Wigglesworth, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, William J. Seymour, and many others. Whose mantle for revival, reformation, signs, wonders, and miracles are waiting on the faith of desperate vessels to align. Mantles are waiting to be caught and worn. Servitude is having the attitude of a servant and when the servant attitude is right, this will position them as a candidate to succeed their predecessor. Many did not catch the mantles due to lack of honor and humility in the younger generation. Some feared the process and persecution. Some were selfish and ignorant. Within the scenes of the church, there was the lack of honor for the fathers of faith, the lack of respect for their contribution to the body of Christ. If there's not a reverence for the mantle, it will not drop, even though there is a desperate need for it. Within the same church, the return of honor, humility, and obedience for the fathers will be evident. God now is preparing a generation to catch the mantles that are resting. He is shaking the earth, and mantles will be released from the hiding places in the earth. There will be a demand on the church for healing, restoration, breakthrough, and deliverance. The church will rise to take its position and continue the work of Jesus Christ where He sends them. Prepare for the end-time mantles as they are falling