I thought this would be a funny well thought out comic sort of book. No, what this is, turns out to be nothing more than doodles that were not very well thought out, and made into a book. The nice binding fools the buyer into thinking there must be quality work inside, but regretfully, that is not the case. I regret buying it for my daughter for Christmas as a fun book. If an adult, and a 9-year-old look at the same book...
For those who don't own or love cats, looking at these short cartoons or what I'd call "vignettes" about moments in a cat's life may seem puzzling. You may even wonder what is happening. If you want to get a sample of the types of illustrations and scenarios, just use the "Search Inside the Book" option or the "Surprise me" option and you'll see some examples. They give a clear idea of the mood and focus of this book, which...
I've had 4 cats and every one of them has done the things Jeffrey Brown illustrates in this book. I kept wanting to turn to a family member and say, "Oh LOOK, [insert cat's name] does this, ya know!!!" The pictures are so cute and perfectly illustrate the every day quirks our cats possess that remind us why we love 'em to death.
After fourteen and a half years, our foul-tempered, gorgeous little murderer of a cat returned to his home planet to report his findings on the Big Monkeys and their ways. I thought I was enjoying life without a litterbox. I was wrong. This book made my husband, who had begun to attribute the disappearance of his seasonal allergies to the disappearance of Jambo, remark, "We need a cat." With a minimum of fuss, Jeffrey...
It's a little hard to explain why I like this book, but it's engaging in a way that any close observer of cats will appreciate. If you aren't a dyed in the wool cat lover, you will probably be mystified by this book. But if you enjoy the company of cats, you'll find this cartoon collection to be something special. The cartoons trace the daily activities of an Everycat named Misty, who does all the things cats usually do--climb...