John Wick meets Kill Bill, meets...CATS? Felix lives a life of high fashion and indulgence. Sure, he steals to get it, but he gets it on his own, nonetheless. When a mysterious character by the name of Schrodinger threatens Felix's only surviving family member in an attempt to recruit him into a crime syndicate, Felix is sent on a globetrotting game of cat and mouse in a heightened world of colorful criminal masterminds. Tune into IDW's glamorous neo-noir action series from the pen of Andrew Wheeler (Sins of the Black Flamingo, Marvel Voices: Pride) with art by Ilias Kyriazis (Collapser, Star Wars Adventures), and finishes by Auguste & Dennis Yatras (Equidistance, Young Men in Love)
Release Date:March 2024
Publisher:IDW Publishing
Length:160 Pages
Weight:0.85 lbs.
Dimensions:0.4" x 6.6" x 10.1"
Format: Paperback
Condition: New
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