This compilation consists of key treaties, secondary legislation and case law in the area of international and European institutional and constitutional law, selected by the Department of international and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. The compilation uniquely combines these two areas of law in one single compilation, making it ideal for introductory courses in these fields.
What makes this book furthermore unique and of added value is that it offers concise case law entries in Dutch and in English, consisting of a mixture of quotes and summaries, indicating the main points discussed, thus making it easy for students, lecturers and others (practitioners etc.) to quickly comprehend the key issues of each case. These case law entries stem from the didactic vision of the authors, Masuma Shahid and Lana Said, who have over 15 years' experience in coordinating and teaching law courses at Dutch universities. Both are convinced that these case law entries facilitate the reader to analyze and/or scrutinize theRelated Subjects