We have all heard of how expensive it is, for housing....
And especially in urban areas.
Yet, some have found ways to make compromises and cut costs in either housing or what one might call "legal sleeping".
This book seeks to discuss the ins and outs of time spent in a car, and the concept of homelessness, a term perhaps very confusing indeed.
The author is a West Point graduate who spent a great deal of time in field duty in Germany, including time sleeping in an Abrahms tank and on a cot in the forests of Germany while on maneuvers. Yet at no time was he called "homeless"....
This book hopes to take a fresh look at what some have called "living in a car", and the term "homelessness".
For isn't a home, wherever we hang our hat, or moreover, wherever we sleep, especially, for more than an hour a day? And wherever we store our "stuff", a term from George Carlin?
This book is very thought-provoking and has many great resources at the back, too.
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