In an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's seminal novel The Price of Salt, CAROL follows two women from very different backgrounds who find themselves in an unexpected love affair in 1950s New York. As conventional norms of the time challenge their undeniable attraction, an honest story emerges to reveal the resilience of the heart in the face of change. A young woman in her 20s, Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara), is a clerk working in a Manhattan department...
Patricia Highsmith's life was marked by difficult personal relationships, self-destructive tendencies, and an endless pursuit to refine her work as an artist. A flurry of new television and film projects regarding the author have recently been announced. In the meantime, here are our picks for the essential Patricia Highsmith reading list.
Who are the bestselling romance authors of all time? We decided to find out. Here's a retrospective of authors who topped the bestsellers lists from the 1930s onward.