Overjoyed by his official adoption and with the completion of the molecular transporter coming closer, Oliver's excitement over the return of his mother conflicts with the ever-expanding mystery surrounding the circumstances of her departure and Dindet's increasingly suspicious behavior.
She's leaving, more often and for longer and longer periods of time. And left alone with devilishly wandering thoughts and idle hands, Oliver craves a distraction-- and his name is Markus.
The second entry in a series of riveting interdimensional shennanigannery and a heartbreaking emotional core that will leave anyone on the brink of tears, if not sobbing outright.This is no childish story, despite the friendly and bouncy exterior, the content of this book and the series involve much darker themes such as intergenerational familial abuse, recovery and personal growth after terribly traumatic events, and ending the cycles of manipulative and narcissistic behavior.
However, for every awful thing, there is just as much compassion, love, and commitment through the most ultimate thick and thins.