""Captain William Matson: From Handy Boy To Ship Owner"" is a biographical book written by John E. Cushing. The book tells the story of Captain William Matson, who started his career as a handy boy on a ship and went on to become a successful ship owner. The book explores Matson's...
""Captain William Matson: From Handy Boy To Ship Owner"" by John E. Cushing is a biography book that tells the story of William Matson, who started his career as a ""handy boy"" on ships and went on to become a successful ship owner. The book chronicles Matson's life from his...
Captain William Matson: From Handy Boy To Ship Owner is a biography written by John E. Cushing. The book tells the story of William Matson, who started his career as a ""handy boy"" on a ship and eventually became a successful ship owner.The book provides a detailed account of...