""Captain Black: A Romance of the Nameless Ship"" is a novel written by Max Pemberton and published in 1911. The story follows the adventures of Captain Black, a mysterious and enigmatic figure who commands a ship without a name. Set in the late 19th century, the novel takes...
Captain Black: A Romance Of The Nameless Ship is a novel written by Max Pemberton and published in 1911. The story follows the adventures of Captain Black, a mysterious and enigmatic figure who commands a ship with no name. The novel is set in the late 19th century and takes...
A thrilling tale of adventure on the high seas, Captain Black follows the mysterious Captain and his crew as they battle not only the elements, but also their own darkest desires. With richly drawn characters and a gripping plot, Pemberton's novel will keep readers on the...
A thrilling tale of adventure on the high seas, Captain Black follows the mysterious Captain and his crew as they battle not only the elements, but also their own darkest desires. With richly drawn characters and a gripping plot, Pemberton's novel will keep readers on the...