This thrilling novel follows the adventures of Captain Antifer and his crew as they search for the lost city of Atlantis. It is a must-read for fans of Jules Verne's works and those who enjoy exciting tales of adventure. This work has been selected by scholars as being...
Volume 40 of 54 of Jules Verne's "Extraordinary Voyages", first published in 1895.Captain Antifer is the son of a man who saved the wealthy Egyptian Kamylk Pasha, and was promised his inheritance. The legacy is hidden, however, and Antifer only possesses the latitude of the treasure...
Captain Antifer is a novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne, first published in 1895. The story is a thrilling adventure that follows the journey of Captain Antifer, a wealthy and eccentric sailor who embarks on a quest to find a lost treasure in the Indian Ocean...
Captain Antifer is a thrilling adventure novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne and first published in 1895. The story follows the exploits of Captain Antifer, a wealthy and eccentric sailor who sets out on a perilous journey to find a lost treasure in the Indian...
Captain Antifer is a novel by Jules Verne, originally published in French in 1894 under the title ""Facing the Flag"". The novel tells the story of Captain Antifer, a wealthy and eccentric adventurer who embarks on a quest to discover the location of a lost treasure in the Indian...
R sum 1831: Le richissime gyptien Kamylk-Pacha enterre ses tr sors dans le roc d'un lot inconnu, afin de les soustraire la cupidit de sa famille. 1862: Saint-Malo, Pierre Antifer, Breton aussi impulsif que bourru, m dite sur un document l gu par son p re; ce dernier...
"Mirifiques Aventures de ma?tre Antifer" de Jules Verne. Jules Verne, ?crivain fran?ais (1828-1905).
"Captain Antifer" - The untold wealth of Kamylk Pasha has been carefully hidden in longitudes of a secret location. But soon Captain Antifer realizes that he isn't the only one with the clue to the mystery and there might be many more people involved in this treasure hunt than...
This thrilling novel follows the adventures of Captain Antifer and his crew as they search for the lost city of Atlantis. It is a must-read for fans of Jules Verne's works and those who enjoy exciting tales of adventure. This work has been selected by scholars as being...
Jules Verne: Meister Antifers wunderbare Abenteuer Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2015 Vollstandiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger MIRIFIQUES AVENTURES DE MAITRE ANTIFER (entstanden 1892-1893). Frz. Vorabdruck: Magasin...
Jules Verne: Meister Antifers wunderbare Abenteuer Lesefreundlicher Gro?druck in 16-pt-Schrift Edition Holzinger. Gro?format, 216 x 279 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2015 Vollst?ndiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger MIRIFIQUES AVENTURES DE MAITRE...
Jules Verne: Meister Antifers wunderbare Abenteuer MIRIFIQUES AVENTURES DE MAITRE ANTIFER (entstanden 1892-1893). Frz. Vorabdruck: Magasin d'Education et de R cr ation 1.1.-15.12.1894. Frz. Buch-Erstausgabe: J. Hetzel, Paris 1894. Dt. Buch-Erstausgabe: A. Hartleben, Wien Pest...
Jules Verne: Meister Antifers wunderbare Abenteuer MIRIFIQUES AVENTURES DE MAITRE ANTIFER (entstanden 1892-1893). Frz. Vorabdruck: Magasin d'Education et de R cr ation 1.1.-15.12.1894. Frz. Buch-Erstausgabe: J. Hetzel, Paris 1894. Dt. Buch-Erstausgabe: A. Hartleben, Wien Pest...
Mirifiques Aventures de Ma tre Antifer, 1831: Le richissime gyptien Kamylk-Pacha enterre ses tr sors dans le roc d'un lot inconnu, afin de les soustraire la cupidit de sa famille. 1862: Saint-Malo, Pierre Antifer, Breton aussi impulsif que bourru, m dite sur un document...
Captain Antifer is a novel by the French author Jules Verne, first published in 1895. The story follows the adventures of Captain Antifer, a wealthy and eccentric sailor who sets out on a quest to find a lost treasure in the Indian Ocean. Along with his crew, which includes his...