This annotated edition of " 'Cape Cod " includes: Plot Summary Historical Context Biography "Embark on a captivating journey through the timeless landscapes of Cape Cod with Henry David Thoreau's classic work, 'Cape Cod.' In this beautifully written travelogue, Thoreau invites...
Thoreau's classic account of his meditative, beach-combing walking trips to Cape Cod in the early 1850s, reflecting on the elemental forces of the sea, with an introduction by Paul Theroux Cape Cod chronicles Henry David Thoreau's journey of discovery along this evocative stretch...
"Unquestionably the best book that has ever been written about Cape Cod, and it is the model to which all new books about the Cape are still compared." -- Walter Harding, The Days of Henry Thoreau
The man whose name is synonymous with contemplative rural life took...
First published in 1865, "Cape Cod" is one of a series of excursion books by the famed American author and transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. Most well-known for his influential works Walden and Civil Disobedience, Thoreau was also an observant naturalist and spent much...
Cape Cod is the 1865 book by the famed American novelist Henry David Thoreau. The book centers on Thoreau's travels to the Cape. The novel is noted for its depiction of the natural beauty that surrounds the cape and Thoreau's use of words as compared to the stark contrast of...
Based on several trips to the Cape and originally published as a series of articles, Henry David Thoreau's Cape Cod is a remarkable work that depicts the natural beauty of Cape Cod and the nature that surrounds it. Thoreau, a consummate lover of the outdoors and nature is right...
Cape Cod by Henry David Thoreau is one of the vintage collections by the author. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Based on several trips to the Cape and originally published as a series of articles, Henry David Thoreau's Cape Cod is a remarkable work that depicts the natural beauty of Cape Cod and the nature that surrounds it. Thoreau, a consummate lover of the outdoors and nature is right...
Cape Cod is one of several excursion books by Henry David Thoreau. The travel itinerary frames his thoughts about geography, natural and local history, and philosophy. ( About the author: Henry David Thoreau (see name...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
This new paperback edition of Henry D. Thoreau's compelling account of Cape Cod contains the complete, definitive text of the original. Introduced by American poet and literary critic Robert Pinsky--himself a resident of Cape Cod--this volume contains some of Thoreau's most...
Thoreau's compelling account of Cape Cod is here presented in the complete and definitive text. His trips to the Cape, he wrote, were intended to afford "a better view than I had yet had of the ocean." In the plants, animals, topography, weather, people, and human works of...