In the first of his six Palliser novels, Trollope deftly explores the tensions in Victorian society between reform and tradition, and the interplay between money, power, and politics. Dinah Birch's lively introduction discusses the relationships at the heart of the novel and...
The first of Anthony Trollope's six "Palliser" novels focuses on the matrimonial prospects of three Victorian ladies. Alice Vavasor is torn between her Byronic cousin George, whose wild ardor contrasts sharply with her honest but unexciting admirer, John Grey. Lady Glencora McCluskie,...
The first novel in Anthony Trollope's 'Palliser' series, Can You Forgive Her? traces the fortunes of three very different women in an exploration of whether social obligations and personal happiness can ever coincide. This Penguin Classics edition is edited with an...
In the first of his six Palliser novels, Trollope deftly explores the tensions in Victorian society between reform and tradition, and the interplay between money, power, and politics. Dinah Birch's lively introduction discusses the relationships at the heart of the novel and...
In this book, the first of six Palliser novels, Trollope inextricably binds together the issues of parliamentary election and marriage, of politics and privacy.
Whether or no, she, whom you are to forgive, if you can, did or did not belong to the Upper Ten Thousand of this our English world, I am not prepared to say with any strength of affirmation. By blood she was connected with big people, -distantly connected with some very big people...
The first novel of Trollope's six-part Palliser series, also known as the Parliamentary Novels, "Can You Forgive Her?" revolves primarily around the young Alice Vavasor, a woman who cannot decide which of two men to marry. While the respectable gentleman John Grey seems the...
Alice Vavasor, a girl of independent spirit and means, is engaged to the paragon John Grey but, seemingly distressed by his perfection, she jilts him in favour of her less reputable cousin, George. Alice's story is interwoven with that of the early married life of her friend,...
Can You Forgive Her?
"First published in 1864-1865"--T.p. verso.
"First published in 1864-1865"--T.p. verso.
One of the Palliser novels which explores sexual relations between husband and wife in the context of Victorian England. Trollope took a risk in exploring such a controversial theme.