A broken heart shattered into a million pieces. Just like dropping a glass on a ceramic floor.Trying to survive. A pain only a broken heart knows. Falling in love with a God who is love.A broken heart shattered into a million pieces. Just like dropping a glass on a ceramic floor.Trying to survive. A pain only a broken heart knows. Falling in love with a God who is love.This book is for the Hopeless, Abused, and Downtrodden. Hopeless: I woke up one day and something happened that caused everything to change. Hopeless was all that I felt I share the beginning of my walk with God as a young teenage girl and then becoming a woman of God. Abused: Staying real I share how verbal abuse began to destroy me and physical abuse was next. What seem to be one of my darkest hours of my life. God turns it into the brightest launching path that takes me to the next level with Him. Downtrodden: The feeling of despar but not forgotten. God does and He will turn all things for the good. Romans 8:28. This is my testimony my rescue story God not only recuses me but restores me completely. He can and He will do the same for you if you let Him. This is the purpose of this book May you find your God given freedom through my testimony. My prayer is that you get set free because I know that when God sets you free, you are free indeed.
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