No matter where you pitch your tent, Camping Doodles has doodle prompts that will surprise and delight. Remember that camp song you couldn't get out of your head, the less-than-appetizing camp food, that strange-looking animal hiding under the log? They're all here. Pages for scavenger hunts, camping crafts, and nature journaling round out this perfect trail companion.
"Doodle Queen" Anita Wood is the author of Pocketdoodles for Girls, Pocketdoodles for Princesses, Travel Doodles for Kids, and B.F.F. Journal. Growing up an Air Force brat, she's lived in lots of interesting places and has traveled widely. She currently makes her home in northern Utah.
Chris Sabatino is an illustrator and cartoonist who spends most of his waking hours doodling. He is the author of Pocket Doodles for Boys, Monster Doodles for Kids, Superhero Doodles for Kids, and Dinosaur Doodles for Kids. He lives in Canton, Massachusetts, just a stone's throw from Boston.