when you order this book in hard copy they send you the paper back and they read different.
Written by a man who really loved a dog who saved his life. An inspiring story of an angel dog who loved cats and people.
Ginny arrives in Philip Gonzalez heart same time with his words Ginny touches yours. I understood from git go having always worked with firfamily. This a book you will feel and delight in sharing.
Everyone one will want a Ginny after reading this true account of Ginny's amazing ability to locate needy cats, and lead her owner to them. It's just the sweetest light reading you'll find!
This book was a real life story, of a man who went from alot to almost nothing rather quickly. He fell into a depression but a concerned friend took him to the animal shelter and he found a little dog. The dog wasn't what he was looking for exactly but he got chosen. And the rest is a wonderful adventure.