Banish stress, fear and anxiety, and flourish
This interactive journal utilizes multi-sensory feedback to establish easy methods for dealing with stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms that can overwhelm a person and diminish the ability to cope in certain situations.
It contains two parts. Part One:
six sections, one for each sense pages in each section listing a different coping skill at the top of each page plenty of journaling space below the coping skillPart Two:
Techniques Worksheets Varied exercisesA few coloring pages are also included for stress relief.
After exploring the possible techniques included in the book, the reader should be able to create a toolbox of ideas and physical elements to help manage situations when feeling overwhelmed, without acting in ways not helpful, and without blocking emotions.
A great book for managing fear, anxiety, and depression during scary, painful, or overwhelming moments.
Buy one for yourself or someone you love today