**Selected for Doody's Core Titles(R) 2024 in Pharmacology** Learn how to make accurate drug calculations and administer medications safely! Calculate with Confidence, 8th Edition makes it easy to understand the three major methods of dosage calculation - ratio and...
Learn the three major methods of drug calculation Calculate with Confidence, 7th Edition focuses on the increasing responsibility of the nurse in medication administration, prioritizes client safety with QSEN, and includes updated content that reflects the current...
This popular text covers the ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis methods offering a step-by-step approach to the calculation and administration of drug dosages. With over 2,000 practice problems, Gray Morris focuses on enhancing the learning experience...
Calculate with Confidence provides a clear consistent format with a step-by-step approach to the calculation and administration of drug dosages. It covers the ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis methods. This popular text focuses on enhancing the learning...
Learn the three major methods of drug calculation Calculate with Confidence, 7th Edition focuses on the increasing responsibility of the nurse in medication administration, prioritizes client safety with QSEN, and includes updated content that reflects the current...
736 pagesA clear and consistent, step-by-step approach to calculations and administration makes it easy to understand. Ratio and Proportion, Formula, and Dimensional Analysis content provides students with well-rounded coverage. Pretest and post-test help identify strengths and...
This money-saving package includes the 6th edition of Gray Morris' Calculate with Confidence textbook and Drug Calculations Online.
Calculate with Confidence 3/e has been a successful text in the dosage and solutions market-place over the last two editions. The new 3rd edition will include ratio and proportion, formula, and now dimensional analysis, the most common methods used in clinical practice...
Developed to accompany Calculate with Confidence, Drug Calculations Online, 6th Edition covers three major drug calculation methods - ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis. Opportunities for application and practice abound with animations, voice-overs,...