L. E. Modesitt, Jr., author of the bestselling Saga of Recluce fantasy series, opens the door into a marvelous new world. Millennia ago, a magical disaster caused the fall of a great worldwide civilization, the end of a golden age. New civilizations have fought their way up from...
Cadmian's Choice , book five of the Corean Chronicles, continues the epic fantasy series by L. E. Modesitt, Jr., author of the bestselling Saga of Recluce. Enter this new and exciting world. Millennia ago, a magical disaster caused the fall of a civilization, the end of a golden...
L. E. Modesitt, Jr., master of science fantasy, returns to the world of Corus to continue the epic trilogy begun in "Alector's Choice." It is the story of the fall of a great civilization and the tale of the Alector, Colonel Dainyl, and Captain Mykel, the Corian human with special...