A terrifying psychological thriller in which a spate of suicides could just be the work of a serial killer; featuring homicide detectives Cardinal and Delorme from the award-winning 'Forty Words for Sorrow'. Photographer Catherine Cardinal's fatal fall from a high building...
In Algonquin Bay, Detective John Cardinal suffers a devastating loss. He arrives at a grisly crime scene only to discover that the victim is his own wife, who left a suicide note at the scene. But when Cardinal begins to receive a series of threatening letters, he suspects that...
Detective John Cardinal is on the hunt for an ingenious killer even as he mourns his own wife's tragic death in this thriller of heart-stopping suspense ? Autumn has arrived in Algonquin Bay, and with it an unusual spate of suicides. The most shocking victim yet is Detective...
Book 4 in the John Cardinal series In this highly anticipated fourth book from the spine-chilling John Cardinal series, Detective Cardinal confronts his most personal case yet. After years of battling depression, his wife, Catherine, is dead, and despite a suicide...