She escaped the fire--but not the effects of the burn. Janeal has long felt trapped in her father's Gypsy culture. Then one night a powerful man named Salazar Sanso promises her the life she longs for--if she will help recover a vast sum of money tied to her...
She escaped the fire--but not the effects of the burn. Janeal has long felt trapped in her father's Gypsy culture. Then one night a powerful man named Salazar Sanso promises her the life she longs for--if she will help recover a vast sum of money tied to her father. When the...
Aunque el pasado de Janeal se hab a quemado, ahora se levantaba de las cenizas.
A os atr s, el Gypsy Kumpania donde Janeal Mikkado viv a fue atacada por desconocidos. Al estar su mejor amigo a punto de ser consumido por el fuego, Janeal tuvo dos opciones:...
"There are two chambers in every heart, one for Judas and one for John." Years ago, a wise old woman spoke these words to Janeal Mikkado shortly before the Gypsy kumpania where they lived was attacked. With her best friend about to be consumed by a fire, Janeal had two options:...