What a great idea for a book. Thank YOU, Alice and Brian! I was lucky enough to visit their nursery in slightly western Mass. a number of times and really appreciate that a lot of what they had to share then is in easy reference book form now. (In fact, I have a scented geranium that's the great-great-grandson of a purchase from them still.) There are lots of books that cover perennials, tender and otherwise, but they never...
Got this for Christmas, and I know I will use it a lot. Am already debating which tender perennials to try for 2009. Thunbergia alata? Moonflower? And who knew that Saliva guaranitica and mirabilis can be overwintered as tubers? This book is a godsend in an economy where dollars must be stretched.
Reviewed by Kam Aures for RebeccasReads (12/08) "Bulbs in the Basement, Geraniums on the Windowsill" by Alice and Brian McGowan provides information on "how to grow and overwinter 165 tender plants." After a little bit of history about the authors and their beginnings, the book dives into an explanation as to just what a tender perennial is. Being new to gardening, I found this explanatory section helpful to establish...
This book answers the many questions that gardeners have who wish to carry over their tender plants from one year to another. Why throw away those lovely geraniums and dahlias and tender bulbs when they can be grown and flowered over and over. Look at it as a very environmentally friendly practice that doesn't require recycling your hard-earned dollars. And these suggestions are not gotten from other sources like many books...